treat america project

#treatamericaproject, January + February, 2019

In the 2018 calendar year, our #treatamericaproject set out with a shared goal of literally treating America. We selected one applicant per state to takeover our "treat america project" instagram handle for an entire week, during 2018. The takeover project was in the alphabetical order of the states.

Each user posted a daily image on treat gallery's "@treatamericaproject" handle, which resulted in multiple exhibitions in 2019. During the exhibition, sales of each photograph will benefit the state affiliated non-profit or charity selected by the user.

Each image will be on sale, in a limited edition of 5, for $60 each, with the split of:
$25 to artist, $25 to charity selected by the artist, $10 to treat gallery.

The #treatamericaproject was juried by Jon Feinstein of Humble Arts Foundation, and Jamie Martinez of ArteFuse and The Border. Two exhibitions and one art fair are currently scheduled:

January 9th - January 13th
Foley Gallery, 59 Orchard Street NYC
opening reception January 9th at 6pm.

February 8th - February 17th
OSNY Project Space, 417 W. 57th Street NYC
opening reception February 8th at 7pm.

March 13th - March 17th
Satellite Art Show, SXSW
The Museum of Human Acheivement
3600 Lyons Road, Austin, TX 78702


ALABAMA: Daniel DeVaughn | @dandevaughn
ALASKA: Mary Lortscher | @mloartwar
ARIZONA: Holly Hart | @thehollyhart
ARKANSAS: Olivia Barnes | @ofran
CALIFORNIA: Ingrid Wells | @ingridvwells
COLORADO: Paul Sisson | @paulsissonphoto
CONNECTICUT: Shauna Lee Lange | @ctartevents
DELAWARE: Rachel Briggs | @rachelbriggsart
FLORIDA: Denise Burridge | @deniseburridge
GEORGIA: Jym Davis | @jymdavis
HAWAII: Stephanie Betsill | @stephaniebetsillphotography
IDAHO: Jennifer Anderson | @jenjen.anderson
ILLINOIS: Connor Fenwick | @connfenwick
INDIANA: Tiffany Hite | @tiffyrae89
IOWA: Mitchell Volk | @mitchvolk
KANSAS: Epiphany Knedler | @epiphanysk
KENTUCKY: Natalie Christensen | @natalie_santafe
LOUISIANA: Artemis Antippas | @artemisartemisartemis
MAINE: Justin Levesque | @onedynamicsystem
MARYLAND: Nat Raum | @natraum
MASSACHUSETTS: Michael Cardinali | @mikecardinali
MICHIGAN: Alana Savard | @sea_pore
MINNESOTA: Chris Tollefson | @chrisjtollefson
MISSISSIPPI: Hayden Hester | @haydenhesterphoto
MISSOURI: Matt Boness | @mattybees
MONTANA: Megan Hansen | @meganh.6
NEBRASKA: Bubblegum & Whiskey | @bubblegumandwhiskey
NEVADA: Lisa Toto | @totofoto3333
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Jay Flynn | @jasflynn
NEW JERSEY: Michael DiFeo | @michaeldifeo
NEW MEXICO: Kevin Bond | @kbondphotography
NEW YORK: Sofia Echa | @sofiaecha
NORTH CAROLINA: Jordan Davis | @jor.dav
NORTH DAKOTA: Brenton Little | @brenton_clarke
OHIO: John Walz | @walzjohn
OKLAHOMA: Roni K. Jackson | @oklahomaexplorer
OREGON: Lauren Sharpton | @laurenodellushersharpton
PENNSYLVANIA: Paige Durborow | @heyjinx86
RHODE ISLAND: Bethany McNaught | @emmis.images
SOUTH CAROLINA: Daniel Roa | @danielroaart
SOUTH DAKOTA: Marci Smith | @marcismithstudio
TENNESSEE: Kayla Caron | @kayla.corazon
TEXAS: Liss LaFleur | @lisslafleur
UTAH: Jaysen Allred | @jaysen.diane
VERMONT: Tara Wray | @tarawray
VIRGINIA: Carter Thornton | @carterthornton
WASHINGTON: Alexander Keyes | @alexanderkeyes
WEST VIRGINIA: Courtney Smith | @courtneysmith3
WISCONSIN: Sherri Littlefield | @nienass
WYOMING: Madison Rich | @madisonrichphotography