treat gallery new york is pleased to announce "Gratification" an exhibition highlighting all forms of photography.
treat gallery loves photography. Digital, AI, Gum Bichromate, Film, Cyanotypes, Silver Gelatin, Polaroids - you name it! For this feature, the process is the common denominator. We challenged exhibitors to reflect on why photography is their chosen medium, and we encouraged them to think about gratification: specifically instant gratification v. delayed gratification; some photographic processes take seconds to develop, as others take months.
Processes included in this feature contain film and digital photographs, polaroids, unique lumen prints and more. Content ranges from street photography, staged scenes and alternative, abstract figures. Exhibitors selected the nonprofit that will benefit from sales of their work.
Exhibitors include, Lex Applewhite, Avelin Armand, Gary Beeber, Jose Benitez, Jeff Rufus Byrd, Richard S. Chow, Nawly Damier, Mavourneen Dooley, Melissa Eder, Jane Flynn, Julia Forrest, Jake Gillespie, J.M. Golding, Tyler Hawthorne, Susan Jedrzejewski, Chris Macpherson, Gaspar Marquez, Marianne McCarthy, Suzanne C. Nagy, Chunbum Park and Kun Kyung Sok, Zahra Pars, Katherine Patterson, Gina Petrecca, Mary Pinto, Lindsay Richardson, Courtney Riggs, Peter Rosenberg, Artem Shestakov, Deanne Sokolin, Leo Tujak, Bigai Wu and collaborative photographers Meredith Starr and Dayna Leavitt.
“Gratification” will be up through September 16th. To acquire or learn more about a piece, you may content us directly, view the exhibition on our Artsy page, and/or follow us on Instagram and Bluesky at treatgallery.
Please reach out to us directly at with any questions.